we help raise healthy families


Do you experience headaches, low energy, or even back pain?

Are you concerned about your health in the long term?

Do you forget what being healthy feels like?

we understand.

You feel like you can’t get back on track with your limited time and energy…

And it’s probably not even the pain or symptoms. You can live with the symptoms. But really, you’re just living around them.

So many things compete for your time, energy, and attention as you work and raise your family. It’s just that much more exhausting when you feel this way…

Whether it’s the sciatic pain that makes it hard to fall asleep, the knee pain that keeps you from chasing the kids around, or the headaches that seem to be coming more and more and shorten your fuse at the end of the day…

You’ve reached out for help with no results… And you’re frustrated…

what can you do?

There has to be a solution… Maybe a supplement, exercise, or diet. But the pace of life is so fast… and getting quicker every day. Who has the time?

Maybe there’s a prescription or therapy so you can get back to your day. But you know those just cover up the symptoms. It seems like the daily news feed is filled with the promise of a quick fix…

But you’re smarter than that. You know that you can’t keep doing what you’ve been doing and expect different results. You can’t medicate yourself out of a problem that your lifestyle got you into.


From helping thousands of people like you get better results faster over the past 10 years it has been our experience that symptoms like you’re experiencing, those body signals, are almost always secondary issues. They are NOT the real problem.

At Beverly Family Chiropractic our approach is unlike other healthcare providers, including conventional chiropractors who are only interested in masking your symptoms. We are experts in Neuro-Structural Restoration using the Life By Design method.

Our comprehensive examination is focused on identifying core problems that are impacting your health in ways you may notice or feel, but more importantly in ways that you likely have no idea about.


We want our new patients to be comfortable and know our process before coming in.

A consultation is a conversation, not a commitment.


The first step is to determine if we can help. The case review with the Doctor is complimentary. It’s an opportunity for the Doctor to review your health history and answer any questions you may have.


If an examination is warranted we will conduct a comprehensive Neuro-Structural Examination to explore your health situation better.


Following your examination we will interpret your results. If a core problem is detected with your spine and nerve system, we will create a customized game plan and discuss the next steps with you.



Get your FREE Self Assessment Tool and find out for yourself.


Here at Beverly Family Chiropractic, we think chiropractic care is pretty awesome!


Although we know that it may not be the solution for everybody, we do know that chiropractic is the best strategy for correcting core problems with the spine and nervous system. These core problems can disrupt normal communication between the brain and your body, interfering with optimal health and mental and physical performance.

Here’s how it works:

  • Your spine is a tube with 24 different moveable bones traveling between your cranial and pelvic bones. It’s like a suit of armor. The spine protects a large part of your nervous system, which includes your brain and spinal cord.
  • You can compare your nerve system to a master switching system that communicates with everything in your body. Your nerve system coordinates the function of every cell, tissue, organ, and organ system.
  • This communication system allows your brain to exchange the information that helps your body heal and maintain proper function.
  • Stress, dysfunction and distortions in the nerve system are core problems that interrupt this communication, keeping you from optimal health and resulting in symptoms.
  • At Beverly Family Chiropractic, we address the core problems in your spine that can compromise the health of your nerve system and your health.


You may wonder how we know if you have a spine and nerve problem and not just a muscle problem.

  • During your consultation, we complete a thorough review of your case; and
  • We use the latest technology to perform a comprehensive Neuro-Structural Examination.


We won’t guess with your health. Our primary objective is to make sure this is the right place and approach for you.


We often work with other medical providers for optimal results. If necessary, we will refer you to the appropriate healthcare professional if it’s in your best interest. You don’t have to worry about making the wrong choice. We will tell you how we can help promote your overall wellness. To schedule an appointment, simply click the button above.

This is a just a brief list of just some of the problems that our patients have experienced relief with while under chiropractic care at Beverly Family Chiropractic:


    • Sciatica and Back Pain
    • Balance Issues
    • Hormonal Problems
    • Anxiety
    • Sensory disorders
    • Mood disorders
    • Colic and Digestive distress
    • Ear aches
    • Immune Conditions
    • Difficulty Nursing
    • Failure to Thrive
    • Whiplash
    • Accident-related Injuries
    • Back Pain and Sciatica
    • Headaches and Migraines
    • Shoulder and Arm Pain
    • Heartburn
    • Menstrual Discomfort
    • Immune Disorders
    • Allergies and Asthma
    • Digestive Issues
    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    • Vertigo
    • Sleep Dysfunction
    • Degenerative Disc Disease
    • Hip and Pelvic Pain
    • Arthritis
    • Neurologic disorders
    • High blood pressure
    • Lack of mobility
    • Balance and Coordination


Let us be absolutely clear, chiropractic is NOT a cure or treatment for any disease, condition or symptom. However, when your spine and nerve system is working optimally, your ability to heal, to recover, and to be healthy drastically improves!

At Beverly Family Chiropractic, we serve the North Shore Area. We enjoy working with patients of all ages, serving entire families and even pregnant moms. Our family-focused approach means that we recognize each of our patients as individuals and family members.


Our process includes:


  1. Complimentary Case Review: The first step is to determine if we can help. This is an opportunity for the Doctor to review your health history and answer any questions you may have. We never view our patients as just a collection of symptoms.
  2. Neuro-Structural Examination: If we believe we can help you, and you would like to go ahead, we will conduct a comprehensive examination to explore your health situation better. This extensive Neuro-Structural Examination makes use of both manual tests and computerized tools to learn if there is a core problem with your spine and nerve system.
  3. Customization: Following your examination we will interpret your results. If a core problem is detected with your spine and nerve system, we will create a customized game plan and discuss the next steps with you. Your own customized plan will explain our findings, if we can help, how much it will cost, and how long it may take. We are here to answer any questions and discuss goals you might have. Once we are in agreement with expectations, we will get started with your care.


Why not take the first step towards learning how to improve the health of you and your family? Simply schedule your appointment today. We’re here to answer your questions and work as your health partner.

Our patients first arrive at our office with many different overall levels of health. While some patients just visit us because they want to perform better, others suffer from serious pain or discomfort. Since individuals heal at different rates, we can’t provide you with a one-size- fits-all answer.


When you first come to visit us, we’ll first seek to understand your underlying problems and then develop an individualized plan with you. At this time, we may better be able to estimate when you experience improvement. We can tell you that we can provide some patients with instant or very quick results; however, in other cases, it may take longer to really experience an improvement.


Consider some factors that may make a difference:

  • Examination results
  • Lifestyle choices
  • Seriousness and duration of health problems
  • Individual health goals


As your goals are achieved, we reevaluate you to adjust your plan for new goals. You always have the choice to continue and let us help you restore and optimize your health.


Should you visit a chiropractor if you don’t suffer from any pain?

Actually, we care for entire families who simply want to stay healthy and improve their performance and energy level. Besides injuries, illness, or neurospinal stress, patients report improvements with problems that include:

  • Insomnia, low energy, and brain fog
  • Asthma and allergies
  • Digestive and immune disorders
  • Hormonal inhabitancies and organ dysfunction
  • Balance and coordination issues


You can’t wait for actual pain or serious discomfort to know if your nerve system is not functioning as well as it should. We will provide you with a full examination and then let you know how we can assist you. Don’t wait, schedule your consultation today.

Chiropractic healthcare is a successful strategy for families that want to stay healthy. In that way, we serve as an essential part of your healthcare team. We’re the professionals and will give you our best recommendations to help your reach your goals. But you’re the boss. We want you to have control of your health. The strategies you choose are up to you.

If a core problem is detected during your visits, the number of future visits required will be based on 4 factors:

  • How long you have had the core problem,
  • How much damage has occurred,
  • The intensity of your lifestyle, and
  • Your goals and objectives.


After working with thousands of patients, we know that consistency of check-ups, strengthening the spine, and eliminating aggravating habits are effective strategies in correcting underlying core issues that alter your physiology and manifest the symptoms you may be experiencing.

This is why we will never guess with your health. We will regularly check your progress to ensure you are trending in the right direction and the frequency recommended is appropriate to help you get the best results.

Every person is an individual and your health is vital to a happy life.

For a more detailed answer specific to you, schedule a consultation with one of our doctors.

We get this question often! There is NO age limit.  In fact, the majority of neuro-structural problems begin early in life, even as soon as birth in some cases. Our Comprehensive Neuro-Structural Examination can be performed at any age.


Much like taking good care of your child’s teeth, experts encourage all children have their spine and nervous system examined for core problems as soon as possible.

To ensure you are in the correct place and we can help you, the consultation is complimentary. If an examination is warranted and you would like to move ahead with the Comprehensive Neuro-Structural Examination, the examination, analysis and review of your results is $150.

At your follow-up visit your doctor will review all of the results from your examination and give you recommendations for your care.

Because every case is different it is difficult to predict the total cost of your care without the results of a thorough Neuro-Structural Examination.

What about my insurance benefits?
Though we have agreed to participate with most major insurance providers, coverage is not required to be a patient in our office. If you are fortunate enough to have some extended health insurance coverage to reduce a portion of your investment, our team can direct you how to verify your coverage with your insurance provider as plans vary.

At Beverly Family Chiropractic, we offer a community-based team for families who seek better health. We understand that we serve you the best when we strengthen your body’s natural healing ability.

Because of this, we specialize in correcting core problems with the spine and nerve system. Our goal is to help you get to the root of your health problems and learn how to avoid them in the future.

You see, we understand that we might only offer you short-term relief when we focus on a side effect or symptom. In some cases, only focusing on symptoms and ignoring the cause of the problem can actually create more core problems later on. By providing a holistic approach to healing and wellness, families report they feel better and actually get better.

Visit Beverly Family Chiropractic

Visit us for long-term wellness solutions that can help you enjoy the kind of life you dream of living. You can schedule your first appointment by scheduling your free consultation.

We enjoy working with children, adults, and expecting mothers, so let us help you improve your entire family’s health.

We offer a drug-free approach for the whole family.

We integrate the latest scientific advances with tested traditions in natural care.

We are unique in our experience with pediatric and pregnancy. Our Doctors are certified in the Webster Technique and we have a Certified Lactation Counselor on our team.

All of our practice members receive a personalized approach to wellness with their individual health goals in mind.

Our comprehensive, holistic approach is focused on addressing core problems that may be affecting you in ways you likely have no idea about and on preventing future issues from arising so that you can live more of the life you want.


Dr. Derek E. Gallant, DC

CEO Beverly Family Chiropractic | Chiropractor
I'm Dr. Derek and my friends would tell you that I'm a health nut. I work with people who are sick of being held back by how they feel and just can't quite figure out how to feel like themselves again. As an expert in Neuro-Structural Restoration I'm passionate about helping people live healthier and happier lives.
And when I'm not helping people strive for exceptional health I am living my own wellness lifestyle, training at the gym, running, practicing yoga, or surfing if there are waves.
But I find the most joy when I'm with my wife, Heather, and our three children, Landon, Adeline, and Oliver, cooking meals, sitting in the backyard reading, or just walking to our local parks and coffee shops.

Heather M. Gallant

Culture Creator
Hi! I'm Heather. I get to focus on lots of different things at the office, but you might not see me because I'm mostly working behind the scenes. Behind the scenes means I manage our social media platforms, develop marketing ideas, assist with team building, and keep the office seasonally decorated. When I'm not focusing on Beverly Family Chiropractic, you'll find me at home with our three kiddos, on Staff at our church, or at the beach. No matter where I am or what I'm doing, you can always find me with a coffee in my hand and a smile on my face.

Esther Sigrist

Chiropractic Assistant
I’m Esther. I have had a life-long interest in chiropractic as well as alternative therapies for addressing healing in a holistic way. I am excited to be part of the team at Beverly Family Chiropractic, serving the amazing practice members. They’re all so great! My husband and I love serving in our spiritual community and helping others to live their best life. In addition to working at BFC, I love to spend time with friends and family, and I am the proudest of my three adult children and two grandkids.

Judy Gnoza

Team Leader | Billing Guru
I'm Judy! I have been fortunate to spend my whole career (nearly 40 years) working in a chiropractic office. I love getting to see families, seniors, pregnant moms, and toddlers that come into Beverly Family Chiropractic enjoy a better quality of life through chiropractic care. I have been married to my amazing husband for over 35 years. We have two beautiful daughters that we get to see often. In my spare time I enjoy the beach, eating dinners out with my husband, and reading a good mystery!

Kyle DeMent

Chiropractic Assistant
I'm Kyle. Chiropractic has always been a part of my life ever since I had a concussion when I was younger. Since I was able to get the help I needed and get better it only made sense to find a way to help others as well!

When I am not in the office, you can find me at the gym or going on walks with my dog on the many trails in the Beverly area. I can't wait to see all of you in the office and I am excited to be a part of the BFC team!


Dr. Derek E. Gallant, DC

CEO Beverly Family Chiropractic | Chiropractor

I’m Dr. Derek and my friends would tell you that I’m a health nut. I work with people who are sick of being held back by how they feel and just can’t quite figure out how to feel like themselves again. As an expert in Neuro-Structural Restoration I’m passionate about helping people live healthier and happier lives.

And when I’m not helping people strive for exceptional health I am living my own wellness lifestyle, training at the gym, running, practicing yoga, or surfing if there are waves.

But I find the most joy when I’m with my wife, Heather, and our three children, Landon, Adeline, and Oliver, cooking meals, sitting in the backyard reading, or just walking to our local parks and coffee shops.

Judy Gnoza

Team Leader | Billing Guru

I’m Judy! I have been fortunate to spend my whole career (nearly 40 years) working in a
chiropractic office. I love getting to see families, seniors, pregnant moms, and toddlers
that come into Beverly Family Chiropractic enjoy a better quality of life through
chiropractic care.
I have been married to my amazing husband for over 35 years. We have two beautiful
daughters that we get to see often. In my spare time I enjoy the beach, eating dinners
out with my husband, and reading a good mystery!

Esther Sigrist

Chiropractic Assistant

I’m Esther. I have had a life-long interest in chiropractic as well as alternative therapies for addressing healing in a holistic way. I am excited to be part of the team at Beverly Family Chiropractic, serving the amazing practice members. They’re all so great! My husband and I love serving in our spiritual community and helping others to live their best life. In addition to working at BFC, I love to spend time with friends and family, and I am the proudest of my three adult children and two grandkids.

Heather M. Gallant, CLC

Culture Creator

Hi! I’m Heather. I get to focus on lots of different things at the office, but you might not see me because I’m mostly working behind the scenes. Behind the scenes means I manage our social media platforms, develop marketing ideas, assist with team building, and keep the office seasonally decorated. When I’m not focusing on Beverly Family Chiropractic, you’ll find me at home with our three kiddos, on Staff at our church, or at the beach. No matter where I am or what I’m doing, you can always find me with a coffee in my hand and a smile on my face.


Chiropractic Assistant

I’m Kyle. Chiropractic has always been a part of my life ever since I had a concussion when I was younger. Since I was able to get the help I needed and get better it only made sense to find a way to help others as well!

When I am not in the office, you can find me at the gym or going on walks with my dog on the many trails in the Beverly area. I can’t wait to see all of you in the office and I am excited to be a part of the BFC team!


Chiropractic Assistant

Hi, I’m Olivia!

I am passionate about health and fitness and so I am excited to be at BFC as we strive to make the Northshore one of the healthiest communities in Massachusetts using the Corrective Chiropractic Care and the Life By Design method!

When I am not in the office you can find me working out, serving at my church, or at a coffee shop.

I get excited to see all our amazing practice members each week. I love to serve them with a smile!




We know you want someone to be sensitive to how you are feeling. But we won't define you by your diagnosis. We guarantee to always treat you like a person, not a symptom or a number.


We care about how you are feeling and guarantee to do our best to help you get better results faster.


A consultation is always complimentary. We guarantee to sit down with you in person to discuss your health problems and ensure that you’re in the right place to get the care you need.


We want you to get the best results as quickly as possible. We guarantee to work with you as a coach and resource so you have the tools you need to achieve your health goals.


We know you want to have confidence in your doctor. We guarantee that all of our doctors are experts in Neuro-Structural Restoration. Our doctors have hundreds of hours of post-graduate education in areas ranging from nutrition, exercise science, pediatrics, pregnancy, neuroscience, chiropractic technique, leadership and communication.


We don't have all the answers. We guarantee to be straightforward with you when we can't answer your questions...and then do the research to get the answers you need.


We know life is busy and you value your time. We guarantee that we will value your time as much as you do.


We don’t have the solution to every health problem. We guarantee that if we believe you are not in the right place, we will collaborate with our extensive network of skilled health care professionals to get the care you need.


We are passionate about creating a healthy community. We guarantee to create an environment where you and your family can feel safe and at home.

Book Your Consultation

A consultation is a conversation, not a Commitment.

Speak with one of our Chiropractors to see if Beverly Family Chiropractic is the right place for you to get the care you need.

Got Your Own Question?

Enter your question and one of our team members will get back to you by the end of the next business day (Monday through Thursday). Your information is private and confidential.